Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finally made it.

Well, we finally made it t HH at about 9pm. I kept with my food all day in the car by bringing everything I needed with me, and tomorrow I'm going to the store first thing in the morning to get all my supplies for the week. I'm going to try and avoid eating out with my family as much as possible, but I will go along with them to the restaurants. I will get fish for dinner if I have to. As soon as we got here, I went to the fitness center, which turned out to be really nice. They hav a ton of machines and free-weights, so I should be able to get in most of ym exercising come monday, but I didn't see a bench which means I will have to find some other excercises for chest... most likely pushups and freeweight press. I got in half an hour of cardio tonight, so I'm feeling good about getting at least a little exercise after sitting in the darn car all day. But now, I'm off to bed.. tomorrow is supposed to be a hot one. So tired. Here's to another great week of getting fit! Intensity, focus, drive and commitment. Can' wait.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Great week thus far

WEEK IS OVER! HELLZ YEAH. And I'm leaving for HH tomorrow. I kept with everything this week, nearly perfect minus the glass of rum and diet sprite last night. It's been about 100000 degrees outside every day, and I worked out with Mike every day after work. This might have been close to the hardest (physical) week of my life. Today, I drank 15 glass of water, and I have yet to use the restroom. I'm sore, everywhere, and so tired that it is almost impossible to keep typing. My food intake has been spectacular.. to say the least. If I can keep with it all summer, I'm going to be a new man in just 3 months. I've been taking pictures every day, and somewhere down the line I will post the results. Personally, I don't see too much of a difference but it's only been a handful of days and I'm extremely self-conscious/picky about my physique... so maybe I jest. But now it is time to focus. I will do some cardio tomorrow and Sunday at the resort gym, and when Monday rolls around it will be time to resume my weight lifting, without my workout partner. The mental preparation is key, and I know that I'm going to be ready for it. I will succeed. And I will have to closely monitor my food intake... while trying my absolute best to stick with my normal diet (food which I will be taking with me). By next weeks end, I want to be in the best shape I've been in for the past 8 months. It is an immense undertaking, but based on how hard I pushed myself this week and how great I feel about myself right now, I know it can (and will) be done. Out of curiosity, I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow just to see where I am right now. I wouldn't expect too much of a difference because of the ridiculous amount of weight training, but maybe I'll be surprised. Anyways, its time for freaking sleep. Oh yes, sleep. Thank the gods. I'll try to post while I'm away, keep it real everyone and expect GOOD NEWS.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump day can die.

Dude, fuck today. Had to wake up earlier than normal (4:30am) for the shitty ol' Wednesday safety meeting at work, and absolutely NOTHING went right today while we were out on the job. For example, the second job we went to after the first became impossible made the former look like ten cheese conies with no calories (they need to make this). These fuckers at the telephone company want me and my partner to pull cable in a two inch duct almost 400 feet through an entire fucking forest. Seriously... the foilage is so thick you can't see two feet in front of you. So we push the duct and of course, it stops about 4 feet in because about seven sycamore trees as big around as the size of car tires have decided to grow right on top of where the duct is running. So the duct is filled with roots, we can't more around in the forest area enough to even bring a shovel, and even if we could it wouldn't matter because we'd have to chainsaw literally EVERYTHING in a straight line for the entire 400 feet. That's like 4 days work just to clear a fucking path, and then we have to dig through roots and dirt and rock and dead bodies just so we can eventually run a new duct system which will be the end result anyways. And I don't even want to talk about the first job. The good news is, I stuck with my food today and got a great workout in With mike... today was shoulders. I don't know if my arms are still attached honestly. I'll regret it tomorrow, I'm sure... when I take on the Amazon fucking forest. God damn Wednesdays.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I will not fail.

Ok so, here's the rundown. This summer is the beginning of the rest of my life. I know it sounds corny, but I'm determined like I never have been.... it almost feels divine, and for the first time EVER, it feels right. So, I'm home for the summer and working construction. I'm hobo crew, shoveling, digging, pulling, lifting, and everything in-between. In the wonderful Ohio humidity, no less. AND IM HAPPY! I get so much exercise during the day, it's almost sick. Today (I counted) in total I drank one and a half gallons of water and one diet soda over a 7 hour period, and never went to the restroom. I'm pretty stoked about that, because it means I'm busting my ass and burning, sweating, and doin so many good things for my heart and body all at once. I feel better, and I'm getting a tan. Now, there are a few downsides to working out in the city doing construction, and the most important one I have to be careful of is food, because most construction workers live out of gas stations. I have found a solution for this, and so far it has been working: I never carry money with me to work. Instead, I pack myself a predetermined, healthy lunch, and eat a small, nutritious breakfast every morning. The other downside is that I have to be careful, too much shoveling and lifting can overstrain my body, and that would especially suck because I'M NOT DONE YET. After I get home, I change and imediatally go over to my friend Mikes. He has a full gym/weight set in his basement, and every day we do anywhere from 1 and a 1/2-2 and a 1/2 hours of lifting. We do a different muscle group every day, and about 5-7 different exercises in total. We also do about 4 ab workouts every other day. On fridays we require ourselves to run, and we leave the option open to run on another day, depending on our schedules.... but the other day will probably just be sprints if we do them at all. I get anough cardio during the day as it is. Dosen't sound so corny now, does it? I eat a lean protien rich dinner with tons of veggies afterwards, and try to get myself into bed so I can get at LEAST 7 hours of sleep every night. The summer has just begun, but I have found a way to control my food urges, balance my intakes, and revive my healthy eating style all while fitting it into a ridiculous exercise regime that is convienent to my schedule and lifestlye. If I fail to achieve my goals this summer, I'm simply a lost cause, and there is no hope for me. Well, I will not fail, because I'm having fun, working hard, and eating right. I have vacation next week, going to SC Hilton Head, and its going to be the toughest challenge I have faced so far. Luckily, they have a gym at the resort, and Plenty of running space on the beach. I will get my exercise, but it is food I most worrry about (namely all the amazing resturants.) This week is going to be total mental preparation, a test of my resolve. I may post before I go, but if I don't, await my results for anyone reading. If I fail, lay into me and ask me why, force me to face the music. I leave this as a contingency plan, but I will not fail. I will not fail. I will not fail. Thank you to all who do check in from time to time, I'm sorry I'm not a great blogger, but I will try harder. Time for dinner and bed! Good luck to EVERYONE out there dealing with their personal challenges, you have my support. In peace, later.