This week has started off so much better. The weekend was obviously depressing, but it was a very nice service and many people showed up, it was nice to reminisce with old friends. I also got to see some (other) old friends over the weekend, and it was so relaxing and chill. Really got me ready for the week. I was not perfect over the weekend... but I tried to fast for two days and since it was my first time, slips were more than I would have liked. Had a beer, ate a steak sandwich... but refrained from all fast food and liquor... and I got a run in last night. Today also went well, I'm entering my 5th week now of basically eating the same thing, every day, all the time, at the same time. The reward is nothing short of spectacular. My energy level is through the roof... I'm outworking everyone I work with, and Mike even said tonight that I look so much better than when we first started. And I feel great too, despite all the shit that has been going down in my personal life... but it comes in waves so I'm ready for this next chapter.
I don't really like to make excuses, but I didn't run tonight. Mike didn't get home until 9 so we didn't get done lifting till 12, and I had to get food after, and I pulled 875 feet of cable underground by hand today at work. And dig holes. It was a pretty intense 24 hours to say the very least. However, those new running shoes of mine, make everything ridiculously easier to do. My old shoes have holes in them, and any other time, I'm wearing steel toed boots... so my feet are much more agreeable as of late. I will run tomorrow, and this week will be even better than last (which on the diet/exercise part of my life, was great). I'm fully expecting to be below 200 this week when I check up on Thursday, but if not I won't beat myself up about it... the results are in the mirror. And congrats to
Steve on his first year living a healthier life, it is a wonderful success story, and everyone should check it out.
So here is to a better week of getting stronger and every day making myself a better person. Good luck to all of you.