Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Second Weigh-In

Thank god, no more class for the week. I quit smoking and it is literally impossible for me to fall asleep, so today I was fucknuts tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open in class. On the plus side, I DID make it to all of my classes, and I got to have breakfast this morning. Brought lunch with me to school so I ate in the middle of the day too. But when I got home, I collapsed into bed and didn't wake up until 10 pm. Again, it was terribly difficult to get my lazy ass out of bed and workout, but I did it. Actually, once I started lifting, I woke up considerably. And I noticed that I'm not breathing quite as hard, probably the side effect of not sucking down cancer anymore. I felt good afterwards, made myself some dinner, and now I'm watching a Sienfield marathon. But good news, today I weighed myself, and the scale read 224! Or, at least really close to 224, I have one of those old fashined scales so its hard for me to tell exactly where the needle is landing, but nevertheless, I was happy! I'll expect my weightloss to slow down considerably now that two weeks have passed and most of the water weight is gone. I don't eat a whole lot of sodium so I don't think that is going to be a problem either. But yeah, so I stuck to it today and everything is going great and I'm beginning to see results so woohoo. I've got nothing else, so peace.

3 comments: said...

That's great progress. Congratulations.

Tricia said...

Way to go, man! You're hitting like a goal a week, looks like. True it might slow down, as it should, but you're doing great so just keep it up!

Fucknuts must be a special kinda tired to make you sleep that long. I bet it was great. Nothing like an epic nap!

Dina said...

Glad to hear the scale is cooperating!

And I found your blog from stalking you from the comments on Tricia ;)