Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump day can die.

Dude, fuck today. Had to wake up earlier than normal (4:30am) for the shitty ol' Wednesday safety meeting at work, and absolutely NOTHING went right today while we were out on the job. For example, the second job we went to after the first became impossible made the former look like ten cheese conies with no calories (they need to make this). These fuckers at the telephone company want me and my partner to pull cable in a two inch duct almost 400 feet through an entire fucking forest. Seriously... the foilage is so thick you can't see two feet in front of you. So we push the duct and of course, it stops about 4 feet in because about seven sycamore trees as big around as the size of car tires have decided to grow right on top of where the duct is running. So the duct is filled with roots, we can't more around in the forest area enough to even bring a shovel, and even if we could it wouldn't matter because we'd have to chainsaw literally EVERYTHING in a straight line for the entire 400 feet. That's like 4 days work just to clear a fucking path, and then we have to dig through roots and dirt and rock and dead bodies just so we can eventually run a new duct system which will be the end result anyways. And I don't even want to talk about the first job. The good news is, I stuck with my food today and got a great workout in With mike... today was shoulders. I don't know if my arms are still attached honestly. I'll regret it tomorrow, I'm sure... when I take on the Amazon fucking forest. God damn Wednesdays.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Sorry you had a bad day, but at least you were burning calories being a mountain man and shit. Glad you're back :)

Also, eww, what would you do if you found a real dead body down there? Stinky stuff, dude.