Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Before/After 10 day pictures, #2

All right! So I know it's the 7th and I said I would post before/after pics yesterday, but I was just so busy and could not find the time. But I do have the pictures, and here they are! Remember, these are pictures with a ten day difference as of yesterday, July 6th.

June 26th

June 26th

July 6th

July 6th

So obviously this time around not a huge difference, though I do see some small improvements. I think my muscle is beginning to show a little more, which is plenty exciting enough for me. Overall I would say a pretty successful before/after session. I'm certainly satisfied. Haven't weighed myself today or anything, I'll do that tomorrow morning, and finally be completely up to date. Only 49 more days left in my Missouri 60 challenge! I'm determined to win so hard. Anyways, have to go work out alone tonight, Mike is sick. Have a good night everyone.

"Some people listen to themselves, rather than listen to what others say. These people don't come along very often, but when they do... they remind us. That once you set out on a path, even though critics may doubt you, it is ok to believe that there is no CAN'T, WON'T, or IMPOSSIBLE...... and they remind us that it is ok to believe.........

Impossible is nothing."


South Beach Steve said...

Like you said, the differences aren't as profound this week, but you can tell a difference. I also think you are right in your comment about muscle changes. Keep it up!

M said...

I can see a change in your collarbone area, though.