Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday's are just so much FUN.

Dude, my shoulders are torn to high heaven. So are my abs. At least it was a nice day today, it made the three hours of shoveling dirt almost bearable. After work I went to work out and we had to haul ass, my lifting buddy had somewhere to be at 7, so we did our two hour day in about an hour and a half, and we started earlier. And his sister was baking cookies upstairs... it wafted slowly down into the man den, coaxing us upstairs. Mike ate like 7, and I abstained. That kid can eat anything, and never gain a pound. Fucking bastard. So my parents are gone for the rest of the week, and the house is silent. I love it. Gives me time to concentrate on stuffs and no more pressure to eat my moms amazing home cooking. You've no idea how hard it is to come home from college, after eating nothing but ramen noodles and soup for the last two weeks of school, during finals. My mother is evil, I know it.

On the plus side, I'm always busy, which is great, because it gives me less time to think about terrible foods, and I exercise when I'm busy. I really want to pull of a show-stopper for the Missouri 60... this is my 5th day in. OH YAY ONLY 55 MORE TO GO... I'd sure like to be at most of my goals on a consistent basis by then. I'm also excited to see the before and after photos. I'm gonna post another before/after pic on Monday, just to see where ten days has gotten me. Taking pictures is like, the greatest thing you could ever do if your trying to lose weight and get in shape. The subtle differences that occur over a week really begin to show when you look at them from one side to the other, and whenever your feeling down or the scale is being gay or whatever, you can just go back and look at the progress. Works great for me, anyways. Well, I'm out. Time for some oven roasted chicken.. mmm.

1 comment:

South Beach Steve said...

There is one thing for sure, three hours with a shovel is better than time in the gym! It's funny how that good old hard work is good for us.