Saturday, May 16, 2009

Round 2. Fight.

Woah, its me. Been about 2 months since my last post. There is a lot to talk about, but basically I've just been ridiculously busy and life threw a few shit-tornadoes my way, and such the world turns. So here's the deal. I'm back up to 233, so I put 8 pounds back on over the 2 last months. I quit smoking, which is huge, and I have a vacation on June 20th. My goal is to be down to 210 pounds in time for my vacation, which is the ideal healthy weight for my height. Long term, I want to be somewhere at my original goal, which is about 180 or so. Over the past 3 days I've been back into the swing of things (for the most part), and the good news is I'm nowhere near the 240+, my heaviest, about 5 months ago. I did some reading of the blogs I follow, and I want to congradulate the vast majority of you for keeping up the execellent work, it is very inspirational. So, thanks, and good luck with all your personal goals.