Thursday, August 27, 2009

A sigh of relief

Good news, I went to the orthopedic doctor today and he gave me a solid diagnosis (broken bone in foot) and put me in a walking cast, so I can move around and stuff. He also said I can do anything within my comfort level while in the cast, so that means I can go back to work and do stuff around the office and yard, like clean and weed eating. Also, I should be able to get back to working out... obviously I won't be able to do any cardio or leg exercises, but I will be able to do arms, chest, and some shoulder and back exercises. It should tide me over at least until 6 weeks have passed and I'm hopefully healed. I'm going to take my 10 day picture update tomorrow morning and post it sometime later in the day, so I think I will just switch my ten day over to that point, (the 28th) and just go every ten days from there. I'm in a good mood now, basically because I'm not confined to crutches. I'll just have to make the best of things I guess, and hope that after 6 weeks everything is going well and therefore won't need surgery. Anyways, family is in town, so I'm going to go visit with them. Have a good rest of the week everyone.


Tricia said...

I'm glad it's not as bad as you originally thought and you will still have lots of mobility. I understand how frustrated you were yesterday but it was hard to read about you giving up given how far you've come. I'm happy to see you in better spirits. Enjoy your family visit :)

South Beach Steve said...

While this may not be the best news, it is considerably better than what you thought/knew a day or so ago. I am sure it is a relief to get that leg in a cast. Take it easy with things. Like all things, this too will pass.